Food Safety & Quality Assurance

Food Safety 
The national Department of Health regulates food safety in South Africa.  The Department administers food legislation and provide services amongst others, support and audit Port Health services and regulating Maximum Residue Levels of metals in foodstuff and local market Maximum Residue Levels for pesticides used in the control of pest and diseases in agriculture. As a condition of market access imported products must comply with local residue standards. 
MRL’s in foodstuff: For more information visit Click here for more information
The Directorate Food Safety and Quality Assurance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, together with other government departments, is responsible for the government-to-government liaison with regard to MRLs on export products or rejection of consignments by importing authorities. 
MRL’s for pesticides:  For more information visit Click here for more information

Quality Assurance
The Directorate Food Safety and Quality Assurance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development is responsible for the regulation of the quality and food safety of certain agricultural products in terms of Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990) in South Africa. 
Local and import quality standards for fresh produce:
For more information visit Click here for more information
Quality inspections on local and imported fresh produce are conducted by Prokon, an appointed assignee of the Ministry of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development appointed 
For more information visit Click here for more information

Additional links: 
Guideline regarding designated inspection services for regulated agricultural products in the Republic of South Africa
Click here for more information

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Fresh Produce Importers Association (FPIA)
